Monday, December 31, 2007
Thanks Kids.
Thanks for the card for Sportsman Warehouse, I will certainly use it for a coat for the four wheeler. I tried to go online and see what they had but they do not have an online catalogue, so I guess I will have to wait until I get to one. Had a pretty good Christmas. Went to Pat and Cheri's on Christmas, and to Grandma's for our Christmas with the family on the weekend after. Mike, Margo, Pat, Cheri, Nener, Kyle, Emily, Katie and Waylon were there so we had a pretty good turn out. Unfortunately, Uncle Pat tore his Achilles Tendon on Thursday night and is having an operation as I write. Now its his turn to be on crutches I guess. The trouble with that is they are going to g0 to Mexico with Mike and Margo and Don and Vicki on Friday so he doesn't get to go swimming or anything like that. He is kind of bummed about that. Any ways missed you guy's on Christmas, just doesn't seem much fun when you are all way on the holidays. But hope you all had a great time and got all the things you wanted for Christmas. Lyssa Tobey and girls I will see you on the 12th when I come to pick up Kyle. Thresa have fun teaching and Michelle and Jessie I hope to see you guys some time this year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Love Dad.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Melyssa's Pirate Quiz- By Thresa
I might stink...but I stink like awesomeness.
Welcome to the life of Thresa. It is a very interesting, drama-filled, EXTRAVAGANZZZZA. Most likely, it will make your wildest dreams come true. Brace yourself.
Here are some of my students at an assembly.
Here are some of my kids doing a play.
Here are some kids working on a map project.
Here are some kids on the computer.
Here are some kids turning their eyelids inside out.
Here are some of my students sitting at thier desks reading quietly.
Yep...that's about it....over and over and over and over. Every day. Just thought some people might want to see it.
I'm writing so my sister will love me more.
Today I went to school and then I went to the temple with Heather. It was a good day. My students did an art project for the first time this year because I am such an anal teacher that I don't think that art is worth wasting time on when they don't know how to multiply one-digit numbers. Also, after I went to the temple I stopped at the grocery store to buy some yogurt...and some lettuce. I hope Melyssa reads this and hasn't given up hope on me yet. I will write religously. Promise. 
P.S. This is not a new picture. It is 6 months old, but I haven't changed much.

P.S. This is not a new picture. It is 6 months old, but I haven't changed much.
Monday, December 17, 2007
You ALL Stink!
As of now, I am officially not posting anything else on this blog. I am tired of being the only one who posts anything. If you want to know what's going on with us, check our family blog.
Friday, December 14, 2007
New Posts
I posted some new pictures on our family blog feel free to check it if you want.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
What Crappy Christmas Present Are You?
I thought this was too funny! Enjoy!
You Are Ugly Underwear! |
Comfortable and soft, more people like you than let on. But it's very difficult for you to show yourself in public. |
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Here's The Scoop
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Last one today I swear
Some of our pics are panoramic and they don't show up well on the slide show. I am posting our pics on facebook now and eventually on myspace so you can see them there too.
Venice/Cruise boat
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Outrageous October
I cannot believe October has already come and gone. We were busy, busy, busy with two birthdays & Halloween, school, work, etc. I am sorry for the lapse in blogging. I hope to do better this November! This slide show is an outline of our month, minus the birthdays since there is a separate blog for those. Paige's preschool got to hang out with the firemen, climb out in their truck, and even help hold the fire house. Kennedy was able to go with her too which was fun.
The rest of the pictures are Halloween pictures - carving pumpkins and dressing up and all that jazz. We had a great Halloween!
The rest of the pictures are Halloween pictures - carving pumpkins and dressing up and all that jazz. We had a great Halloween!
Birthday Bashes
Here are pictures of Avery's & Paige's Birthdays. We had a busy week. We just wanted to thank you for the presents you sent - they loved them! Paige has been wearing the clothes Thresa sent all week! And they are all fighting over the little desk and chair. It is the perfect size. Thanks again! We love you!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
A More Thorough Update
I thought I would take some time to give an update on how we are doing since it has been quite awhile since I have blogged. Time seems to be going by really fast lately, and I apologize for taking so much time between blogs.
Tobey has finally kind of had a chance to catch his breath since our lawn was put in. He is still doing little projects all around our house, trying to get the garage cleared out before winter hits so we can actually put our cars inside – this is one of the things he was most excited about having our house for, the garage! He is getting busier at work now that they are actually starting construction. He is a little bummed that motorcycle season is coming to a close and he will have to put his bike away for the LONG winter ahead.
I am doing great. I have really enjoyed being able to go and work out everyday. It is “my” time where I can de-stress from the craziness of life. The girls seem to really like going to Kidsworld and they have little friends there that come every day like them, so it is kind of a social time for them. I am also really enjoying my American Literature class (thanks to Katie’s amazing babysitting skills). The stories we read are all pretty depressing, but it is fun to try and decipher their hidden meanings and keep my brain active. Other than that, I am trying to be more creative and fun with the girls. We have been doing cooking projects a lot lately and it is really fun to see how excited they get at their culinary masterpieces.
Paige is loving preschool this year. She is really trying to learn more than last year and keeps trying to read and sound out words. She is always sitting with a book, “reading” (or saying phrases she memorized when I read to her). She is also going through what we call a very high maintenance phase. She is always looking in the mirror, fixing her hair, putting on her play make-up and earrings and asking us if she looks pretty. Last week she told me that she wanted “long nails”. I told her that she could go get long nails put on when she is a teenager and can pay for them herself . We are going to get her ears pierced for her birthday.
Kennedy is such a funny little girl. She is still constantly putting on a show to get everyone to laugh. I signed her up for a free tumbling class at the gym and she loves it. Whenever Paige tells us about “her class” (pre-school), Kennedy chimes right in and tells us about her class. She will say, “Well at my tumbling class….” it is fun to watch her try and do all the little gymnastic exercises at home after class is over. She is very independent, and does more for herself than Paige ever did at this age. Sometimes it can be frustrating though because it takes so LONG for her to do things, but I am glad she has the motivation to try.
Avery is getting so huge! She is such a snuggly loving baby and she is seriously happy most of the time. She just got over a nasty stomach flu and it was so hard to see her miserable because she is usually so content. She is a full time walker now. She does not crawl at all anymore. Her favorite songs right now are “twinkle twinkle little star” and “Patty cake” (not really a song I guess) but she knows the actions to both of them and will do them with us when we all sing them to her. At night when I rock her to sleep, I usually hum songs to her until she falls asleep and now when we sit in the rocking chair she will start to hum a monotone note over and over until I start humming then she will grin and settle down. It is adorable! She turns one in two weeks and I can’t believe it!
Other than that we are all just trying to enjoy the sunny fall weather, although about a week ago there was a snow storm that left enough snow on the ground for us to build a full size snowman! It melted the next day, but that is just the weather here in Idaho for you. (There are pictures of this on the blog). We love you all and miss you!
Tobey has finally kind of had a chance to catch his breath since our lawn was put in. He is still doing little projects all around our house, trying to get the garage cleared out before winter hits so we can actually put our cars inside – this is one of the things he was most excited about having our house for, the garage! He is getting busier at work now that they are actually starting construction. He is a little bummed that motorcycle season is coming to a close and he will have to put his bike away for the LONG winter ahead.
I am doing great. I have really enjoyed being able to go and work out everyday. It is “my” time where I can de-stress from the craziness of life. The girls seem to really like going to Kidsworld and they have little friends there that come every day like them, so it is kind of a social time for them. I am also really enjoying my American Literature class (thanks to Katie’s amazing babysitting skills). The stories we read are all pretty depressing, but it is fun to try and decipher their hidden meanings and keep my brain active. Other than that, I am trying to be more creative and fun with the girls. We have been doing cooking projects a lot lately and it is really fun to see how excited they get at their culinary masterpieces.
Paige is loving preschool this year. She is really trying to learn more than last year and keeps trying to read and sound out words. She is always sitting with a book, “reading” (or saying phrases she memorized when I read to her). She is also going through what we call a very high maintenance phase. She is always looking in the mirror, fixing her hair, putting on her play make-up and earrings and asking us if she looks pretty. Last week she told me that she wanted “long nails”. I told her that she could go get long nails put on when she is a teenager and can pay for them herself . We are going to get her ears pierced for her birthday.
Kennedy is such a funny little girl. She is still constantly putting on a show to get everyone to laugh. I signed her up for a free tumbling class at the gym and she loves it. Whenever Paige tells us about “her class” (pre-school), Kennedy chimes right in and tells us about her class. She will say, “Well at my tumbling class….” it is fun to watch her try and do all the little gymnastic exercises at home after class is over. She is very independent, and does more for herself than Paige ever did at this age. Sometimes it can be frustrating though because it takes so LONG for her to do things, but I am glad she has the motivation to try.
Avery is getting so huge! She is such a snuggly loving baby and she is seriously happy most of the time. She just got over a nasty stomach flu and it was so hard to see her miserable because she is usually so content. She is a full time walker now. She does not crawl at all anymore. Her favorite songs right now are “twinkle twinkle little star” and “Patty cake” (not really a song I guess) but she knows the actions to both of them and will do them with us when we all sing them to her. At night when I rock her to sleep, I usually hum songs to her until she falls asleep and now when we sit in the rocking chair she will start to hum a monotone note over and over until I start humming then she will grin and settle down. It is adorable! She turns one in two weeks and I can’t believe it!
Other than that we are all just trying to enjoy the sunny fall weather, although about a week ago there was a snow storm that left enough snow on the ground for us to build a full size snowman! It melted the next day, but that is just the weather here in Idaho for you. (There are pictures of this on the blog). We love you all and miss you!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Recent Videos
Here are some recent videos of the girls. The first one is from quite awhile ago. When Paige was still in her cheerleading phase Avery decided to start copying her and she would always raise her hands above her head and say, "Go!" She is over that phase right now, but it was so cute I decided to post it anyway. The second video is Avery walking...this video is from about a week ago and she has improved since then. She doesn't crawl at all anymore. She is an official walker. (It makes me sad! She is growing up WAY too fast). And the third video is the girls singing a song from "The Little Mermaid". Kennedy can sing all the words, just not as fast as Paige so you don't see her singing too many in this video. I will have to try and get her to sing it by herself sometime. :) I will try to post some pictures and a more complete update soon, but we just got a new internet provider and it is WAY slower than our old one so it takes FOREVER to download pictures. :) Melyssa
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
We are just 2 weeks away from flying to Europe and I thought that I would share our travel plans.
First we go to Venice and we stay in Venice for 2 Days. Here is a link to our Hotel there.
Then we start our 7 day cruise on Splendor of the Seas. You can view all the details on;jsessionid=0000RZZYn2BpMwnklWsG_28-lf2:12hdhua36?packageCode=SP07M010&date=20074&selectedCurrencyCode=USD&promoType=
After we get off the cruise we are headed to Lucerne Switzerland via Eurail. I don't know what we are going to here but it is really pretty. Here is our hotel.
From Lucerne we are headed to Interlaken Switzerland and we are staying her for 2 days here is our hotel here.
From here we are headed to Paris where we will visit all the sights we are also staying 3 min. walking distance from the eiffel tower. here is our hotel.
We are really excited to get out of Alaska and travel. Its something we never dreamed we would be able to do. If you have any suggestions on places to see of things to do let us know. Also if you want us to pick you up something specific let us know. We love you.
First we go to Venice and we stay in Venice for 2 Days. Here is a link to our Hotel there.
Then we start our 7 day cruise on Splendor of the Seas. You can view all the details on;jsessionid=0000RZZYn2BpMwnklWsG_28-lf2:12hdhua36?packageCode=SP07M010&date=20074&selectedCurrencyCode=USD&promoType=
After we get off the cruise we are headed to Lucerne Switzerland via Eurail. I don't know what we are going to here but it is really pretty. Here is our hotel.
From Lucerne we are headed to Interlaken Switzerland and we are staying her for 2 days here is our hotel here.
From here we are headed to Paris where we will visit all the sights we are also staying 3 min. walking distance from the eiffel tower. here is our hotel.
We are really excited to get out of Alaska and travel. Its something we never dreamed we would be able to do. If you have any suggestions on places to see of things to do let us know. Also if you want us to pick you up something specific let us know. We love you.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Our Crazy Fun Weekend
I have been meaning to post this since Monday but it has taken me forever because I had so many pictures and video to go through and download....Anyway, we had a really fun/busy weekend. It was extra fun because dad and Thresa got to be here for all the many activities. First, on Friday night Paige performed with the little cheerleaders at halftime at the varsity football game. I signed her up for this cheer camp to see how she would do performance wise before I try to find her a dance class. The first day she was pretty shy, but soon she warmed up and absolutely loved it!! She still does cheers and dances at home every day. I have been teaching her some of the cheers I remember and I even went to a thrift store today and bought her some pom poms which she has been waving around nonstop since :) There are some videos of her doing some cheers and her dance. I wish that she would not have seen me with the camera because when she was performing her dance, I made her nervous and she forgot a lot of the moves, but it is still really cute. She is the little girl in green in the middle.
On Saturday while Tobey worked in the yard the rest of us went to the fair which was really fun. We looked at all the animals and rode some rides. It was really cute because Avery said, "cow" and she also imitated us snorting when we were looking at the pigs. I didn't get any video of it though because she would stop doing it the second the camera was pointed at her (of course!)
Sunday was Kennedy Kate's 3rd birthday and I had fun making her a Sleeping Beauty cake. She got some pretty dress up dresses and a pink trunk to store her dress up clothes in.
And this weekend, Avery also started taking some steps. She has been standing by herself for a few weeks now, but she will take a few steps in between things. If she has something to hold on to and push like a stroller, she can cross the entire room. It won't be long now until she is walking! I can't believe it - she has grown up too fast! :)
We hope you enjoy seeing our crazy weekend. Love ya!
On Saturday while Tobey worked in the yard the rest of us went to the fair which was really fun. We looked at all the animals and rode some rides. It was really cute because Avery said, "cow" and she also imitated us snorting when we were looking at the pigs. I didn't get any video of it though because she would stop doing it the second the camera was pointed at her (of course!)
Sunday was Kennedy Kate's 3rd birthday and I had fun making her a Sleeping Beauty cake. She got some pretty dress up dresses and a pink trunk to store her dress up clothes in.
And this weekend, Avery also started taking some steps. She has been standing by herself for a few weeks now, but she will take a few steps in between things. If she has something to hold on to and push like a stroller, she can cross the entire room. It won't be long now until she is walking! I can't believe it - she has grown up too fast! :)
We hope you enjoy seeing our crazy weekend. Love ya!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Today I was making this slide show of my beautiful girls and I was overcome with feelings of love and gratitude that I am able to be the mom to these amazing spirits. They are so beautiful inside and out and even though some days I want to lock myself in the bathroom and cry, I would not trade places with anyone because I am deeply blessed.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Avery's New Word
Avery has learned a new word. She has decided that it is of more importance to say the dog's name, "Scout" or her version, "Dowt" than it is to say mama. Here is a video of her saying Scout. :)
Monday, August 27, 2007
We do this on Tobey's family blog and it is a lot of fun to hear each other's answers. I will post a question on here and then you put your response in the comment section. Okay, here goes.... Question Numero Uno.
What are three of your tiny faults and one large fault?
Have fun answering :)
What are three of your tiny faults and one large fault?
Have fun answering :)
Sunday, August 26, 2007

okay this is mostly for michelle, but i had to show someone. Who would that be in the back of this pho-toe....? Dancin' his hiney off with a 19 year old girl? That is kyle's friend...Nicole Jensen...Dancing partners at the fair? JOHN FREAKING BINKLEY! The moral here? If you can't win a race for governor...take up a hobby...:) Thought you would smile.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Jessy, Kyle and I went to a CAKE concert a few weekends ago and other than getting smashed in a mosh pit it was really fun. Here is a slideshow that we put together w/some pics and a video. We had a really hard time getting it to work and as you can see there are still some kinks in it. Make sure you push the little volume tab before you watch it so you can hear the video. Enjoy.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Party Animals
So my first week in Provo we got invited to a party entitled "Come as your favorite will change your life"...I went as a jellyfish (see pictures) I would open and close it as I walked around. I was the hit of the party. Needless to say. I am having fun in my new home. :) There were lots of fun costumes there.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Our Fun Week
I thought I would post some pictures of the past week. First of all, a huge milestone happened. Paige FINALLY decided that she wanted to start riding her bike. (We bought her this bike while we were living in California). She tried one day, got the hang of it, and has been riding her bike nonstop since. Although, she calls it her "horse". The bad news was that by the time she finally decided she wanted to ride her bike, she had outgrown it! So, we bought her a bigger one and gave the small pink one to Kennedy, who refuses to ride it!!! We GIVE UP! Kennedy would rather ride around on a small car she can push with her feet. She calls it her "moto-cycle". Also, Tobey turned 29 last week so there is a picture of that. There is also a picture of our first official "craft day" we made paper bag puppets. The girls had so much fun "dressing" their puppets up with glitter glue. I am excited for our next project, I just have to think of what to do next week. Plus, we will be having a cooking day this week too. If you have any kid friendly recipes, I would love suggestions. And of course, last but not least we picked up our little Scout today. We have spent most of the time home crate training her. She has already learned where to go to the bathroom in the yard and she runs over to her "spot" when she has to go. We are hoping that she is super smart and it is not just beginners luck. She doesn't like to sleep in her crate though, so we know tonight is probably going to be pretty LONG - wish us luck. We will keep you posted. Love to all! :) Lys
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
The Office Party!!!
Hey Guys~ The long awaited Office Party slide show. One of the last most aweseomest things I did in AK. For those of you who watch the show it will be funny. For those of you who don't. Why don't you? Meesh: if you have any other awesome pictures...or any other pictures at all: send them to me. I need to scrapbook them. Love you all.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Our New Baby
Friday, August 3, 2007
Montana Trip
Here are some pictures of our trip with Mom and Kyle to Montana. I hope you enjoy!
Love - Lys
Love - Lys
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Makeover Mania
Mom found this really fun website where you can download your own picture and then change your hair, color, highlights, makeup, etc. I had fun today while the girls were taking their naps and I wanted to show you some of the results. Let me know what your favorite looks are. If you want to give yourself a makeover the website is Have fun! Love you!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Sea Kayaking
This was honestly the most awesome thing I have EVER done. We went kayaking at Colombia glacier in Valdez. We got to see otters, sea lions, and orca whales! It was absolutely beautiful kayaking around the icebergs and being able to experience this. Its gonna be a hard one to top!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Thresa's Summer
So here's what's been happening lately to me this summer. I have gone to Homer, Valdez, Anchorage, Palmer, Seward, and on short trips for canoeing and fourwheeling. This coming weekend I am going sea kayaking...I'll send pictures of that as soon as I get them. How exciting. Enjoy.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Wilderness Weekend
Tobey's sister and her husband came up for the weekend and we went on a site seeing tour of the nearby waterfalls - Mesa Falls - and we even ventured into Yellowstone and saw a waterfall there too - Cave Falls - it was a lot of fun and while we were in Yellowstone we found a really nice campground that we are going to try to camp at later this summer. :) The girls had a blast. They love to be outdoors. Enjoy!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
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