Friday, September 19, 2008
Thank You Oopah!
Kennedy was so excited to find a package from Oopah on our porch today. What could be better than a belated birthday present - It is way more exciting to get an extra present a few days after your birthday. She opened the package and said, "Oh my gosh! This is just what I wanted!" It made her day. She has been playing with the Barbie and puppies nonstop since opening them. Thanks Oopah, you made her day!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Enjoying The Sunny Days
On Sunday we decided that since it was so beautiful, sunny, & warm, we were going to head to the nature park. We know that with the blustery fall quickly approaching, our days for playing at the park are limited. We had a blast just being together as a family enjoying the nature paths, playground, and feeding the ducks. Last time we went to feed the ducks, it was a windy, overcast day. The ducks were absolutely starving and they started mobbing us. Poor Avery was attacked by two huge white geese who had her pinned against the van and were pecking her hand trying to get her bread. Kennedy also had her hand pecked by a starving duck. Needless to say, it took them a little while to warm up to the idea of feeding the ducks again. They stood by the side of the van watching Paige feed the ducks until they were sure they weren't going to be attacked again. Then they quickly joined in the feeding frenzy. Tobey and I were able to sit together and talk while the girls fed the ducks. Scout even had a blast smelling everything, chasing the ducks, swimming in the ponds, etc. It was a great day for our family. We will be heading over there again this Sunday if the weather is sunny.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Kennedy is Four!!!
Last Tuesday Kennedy turned four. Because her official birthday party was not scheduled until the following Saturday, we just had a quiet family celebration at home. She picked blueberry muffins for her breakfast & we put a candle in one and sang to her. Then later that night we went the park for a picnic. We had pizza & cupcakes. The girls played & Kennedy opened her presents. Right as we were about to light the candles on her cupcake, a huge wind storm started blasting us. Something fell from the tree right above us and hit Kennedy in the eye. She was a trouper though and let us sing Happy Birthday to her as she sat there with her eye all puffy & swollen. Awhile back we bought her a lot of My Little Ponies on Ebay, so she was in heaven as she opened them all. That night as I tucked her into bed she looked at me and said, "Boy, I sure am glad that I had a birthday." When I asked her why she said, "I sure was bored being three!" :)

The Cupcake Saga

My Cuties

On Saturday, she had her first official birthday party where she invited six of her friends to come over and celebrate with her. When I asked her what kind of party she wanted she told me "Ponies & Uni"coins". So we had a My Little Pony cake, played pin the tail on the My Little Pony, had a pinata, and played musical squares. She had a blast with her friends and is already planning next year's party. Yikes!
The Cake

The Party
The Cupcake Saga

My Cuties
On Saturday, she had her first official birthday party where she invited six of her friends to come over and celebrate with her. When I asked her what kind of party she wanted she told me "Ponies & Uni"coins". So we had a My Little Pony cake, played pin the tail on the My Little Pony, had a pinata, and played musical squares. She had a blast with her friends and is already planning next year's party. Yikes!
The Cake

The Party

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