Kyle- you could razz dad about his Costco Jeans!!!! :) (You know I love you dad).
...Things here are going well. We have been pretty much consumed with building our house: picking out all the little things you didn't realize you would have to pick out. i.e. the little spindles for the stairs handrails??? I didn't realize how much we actually got to decide. It is pretty exciting though because we do actually get a say to pretty much everything that is going into this house. So far I think it will look pretty sharp. :)
The girls are doing well. Kennedy is getting bigger every day and she is talking WAY more than she used to. Her favorite phrase right now is, "Don't bug me mom/dad." It's endearing :( Paige is also getting really big. She is sick right now and is really out of it laying on the couch, poor thing. I always feel so bad for them when they are sick. Avery is getting really big. She loves laying on her stomach and if we prop her arms up under her chest she will roll over from her stomach to her back. It is cute. She also loves sitting in her saucer and looking at the toys while batting her little arms at them. I took out a photo album of Paige at three months today and she and Avery are pretty much identical except for their noses. Avery has Kennedy's nose.
Anyway this is supposed to be short and sweet. I have attached some pictures for your enjoyment. There is one family one because dad hasn't seen those yet and also some pictures of Avery on her stomach. :) Love, Melyssa
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