Monday, December 31, 2007

Thanks Kids.

Thanks for the card for Sportsman Warehouse, I will certainly use it for a coat for the four wheeler. I tried to go online and see what they had but they do not have an online catalogue, so I guess I will have to wait until I get to one. Had a pretty good Christmas. Went to Pat and Cheri's on Christmas, and to Grandma's for our Christmas with the family on the weekend after. Mike, Margo, Pat, Cheri, Nener, Kyle, Emily, Katie and Waylon were there so we had a pretty good turn out. Unfortunately, Uncle Pat tore his Achilles Tendon on Thursday night and is having an operation as I write. Now its his turn to be on crutches I guess. The trouble with that is they are going to g0 to Mexico with Mike and Margo and Don and Vicki on Friday so he doesn't get to go swimming or anything like that. He is kind of bummed about that. Any ways missed you guy's on Christmas, just doesn't seem much fun when you are all way on the holidays. But hope you all had a great time and got all the things you wanted for Christmas. Lyssa Tobey and girls I will see you on the 12th when I come to pick up Kyle. Thresa have fun teaching and Michelle and Jessie I hope to see you guys some time this year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Love Dad.


Melyssa said...

You are welcome. Have you gotten the other half of your present yet? We ordered it off Ebay so hopefully you get it in one piece. Let us know. I am excited to see you next week. :)

The Holthaus Family Blog said...

I love you lots dad!....I hope that your holidays were good. I missed you too. I hope that you enjoy your presents and that you get good use out of them. Have fun with everybody when Kyle comes! Big hugs!!!!!!