Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A League of Her Own

Yesterday was Paige's first T-ball game of the season. We were a little shocked because her coach called us the day before the game and announced that their first practice would be just 30 minutes before the game. (None of these kids have played in a T-ball league before). Tobey practiced with Paige at home hitting on the tee and stopping grounders the night before. She did a really good job hitting - it took her awhile to get used to hitting off a tee because whenever we play ball at home, she hits pitches. You could tell that Paige was super excited. She couldn't stop smiling whenever we mentioned her first big game. She said, "Mom and dad, when I hit the ball, will you yell really loud, 'Yeah Page! Good hit!?'" - Of course we did! :)
When we got to the field early in the morning (Her games are at 9:00 a.m.) we were in for our first big shock - the teams are co-ed! Where I grew up girls played with girls and boys played with boys. Paige was a little shy, but she got right in there and followed the coaches directions. It was hilarious to watch these kids who had never stepped foot on a baseball field before - they were all diving for the ball and fighting over it whenever anyone hit. Then when someone did get the ball, they had no idea what to do with it so some of them would run and put the ball back on the tee, drop their mitt, grab the bat and proceed to try and hit it. There was one little boy who would slide into every base, every time. All the parents in the bleachers were giggling because it was so funny and so cute. It is also fun because with first year T-ball players the rules are very relaxed. Every single player on the team gets to hit the ball, there are no official "outs" so everyone gets an equal opportunity to play.
Even Avery and Kennedy had fun at the game. Avery is so social that she immediately made friends with some little kids that were there and she spent most of the game playing "tag" with a little boy. She would stick her hands on her face and say, "nah, nah, nah" and then run away from him giggling. It was funny. Paige loved the game and is super excited for her next one, which is tomorrow. I will have to post more from some future games.


The Holthaus Family Blog said...

Good job Paige, Uncle Mike

Dad said...

Looks just like her mommy did a Loooong time ago. Way to go slugger. Ompa is very proud.