Here are pictures of Paige at her Kindergarten open house the day before school officially started. She got to meet her teacher, visit her classroom, and even explore the school bus. She was embarrassed I made her pose for a picture in front of the school. (The mom mortification has already begun) :)
Here she is all dressed up in her first day of school outfit, anxious to get to the bus stop.
Walking to the Bus Stop and Pictures with Her friends there (Yes, I was a little bit obsessive with the pictures, but it was a BIG day)
Video at the Bus Stop
Avery & I were waiting for Paige outside the house when her bus pulled up. Avery had been asking all day, "Where's Paige?" She really missed her. As soon as Paige got into our lawn, Avery ran up and gave her a huge hug. It was really cute.
Kennedy also had a big day today. She started preschool at Mrs. Doggett's house. Something she has been waiting two years for. She was super excited to go. She had a great time.
Time passes by too quickly. We had an exciting and emotional day today. I am just so thankful to be these amazing little girls' mom. They are my life. There have been days I wished they would just hurry and grow up - but today I realized once again, that these years are going by too quickly - right now I wish I could freeze time. I am constantly trying to remind myself to enjoy these times with my little girls because they will not be little forever and I will miss the days of dress up, tea parties, and innocence. My new motherhood motto is "Enjoy today, for it will pass to quickly"
I left a comment on the Orme blog but I also saw this one. I can't believe you are old enough to be going to school... Where does the time go????
I love you all. Ompah
I hope that you don't hate me. I haven't checked this in awhile for no good reason! So exciting! YEAH paige! She's so cute!
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