Wednesday we went in for our ultrasound. I love every chance I get to see the little baby growing inside of me moving around. It is such a miracle. All the measurements were right on schedule and looked normal which is always good to hear. Tobey now officially knows the sex of the baby. I told the ultrasound technician not to tell me what we were having but to write it on a piece of paper for Tobey to read later. (I did not want to see his reaction). So far I haven't asked any questions and he hasn't let on one way or the other. People think we are crazy for doing it this way, but we had to compromise: I am dead set against knowing and he was dying to find out. Hey, we may be strange but it works for us!
Anyway, here are some pictures of the little one. I think my pointier nose finally won out over the Orme one. Let me know what you think. :)

This picture was taken because the baby kept sticking out it's tongue. See if you can see it. :)
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Just thought I would leave a message here since no one else did. I read it on your blog and commented there, so I am already forgiven i am sure! Congrats again you guys.
that was thresa by the way
You know I think it kind of looks like oopah.
You know I think it kind of looks like oopah.
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