The girls love their new sister. They all have a cold, so I have been having them keep their distance (which is killing them). When they hold her they have to wear masks and I keep slathering their hands with hand sanitizer. So far she has avoided the dreaded cough (keep your fingers crossed). They are constantly crowding around me watching every move, asking all sorts of questions about diapers changing, the belly button, bath time, nursing, etc. I kind of feel like we are the main attraction in a circus side show. :) Paige has been a big helper with the baby. She is the first to ask me what she can to do help. She is great about talking to Hadley and finding things to "entertain" her. The other day she even said, "It would be really fun if I could take Hadley for show and tell." Kennedy immediately piped in and said, "Paige, Hadley would not like being in your back pack. She would cry and want out!" We all had a good laugh over that. Kennedy also wants to be around the baby nonstop. She calls her sister "Baby Hadley" and is always asking to hold her. Avery is still adjusting to having Hadley in the house. She loves her most of the time and if I am not holding Hadley she will say, "Hey, where is that baby mom?" She is constantly coming up and kissing the top of Hadley's head and talking to her in a sweet little voice. She has had a few melt downs though when I am nursing and can't help her with something she needs or can't hold her. Avery will throw herself on the floor and cry. It is hard for me because Avery has never thrown a lot of fits so I know that this is a huge adjustment for her. Hadley is a content, alert, happy little baby. She eats like a champ, sleeps great, and has long periods of awake time where she looks at her surroundings with huge eyes. She has extremely long legs, feet, and toes. She looks completely different than any of our other girls have as newborns. We are anxious to see who she looks like as she grows up. We feel so blessed to have another healthy baby girl in our home to love. I hope you enjoy the pictures, I am sure many more will follow.
Love At First Sight
Tobey's First Meeting
K.K.'s First Meeting
Avery's First Meeting
The Masks
Her Long Feet
Big Eyes
First Bath
Sleeping Angel
First Diaper Change at Home
First Family Picture
Wide Awake
Snug as A Bug
1 comment:
I will comment again, because I just love her so much. I miss her like crazy! Great work lys and tobey! Miss you guys
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