So a few weeks ago I heard that there was to be a concert going down in Orem (the city right next to where I live)...who was to be coming? Vanilla Ice AND MC Hammer. Pretty much it is an event that no one can miss. So my roommate and I decided that if we were to go, we would have to go all out. The banner said to wear 80's clothes, and so we did. We made MC and Vanilla Ice shirts and other attractive garb. Here are the results: 
This is me in my "costume"? I am not sure what to call it as it definately not something that I would consider an "outfit".

Please note the full get-up: Polka dot shoes, turqoise leg warmers, hot pink leggings, cut-off jean skirt, spackle painted sweatshirt with MC and 2 legit 2 quit, multi florescent colored bracelets, necklaces, earrings and scrunchies, crimped hair, mall bangs, and of course blue eye shadow, hot pink lip stick and lots of blush.:)

e were in line for ever (and it was really cold)...we accidentally got there an hour early (my fault). So while we were standing in line we noticed this guy with a press pass was kind of taking pictures in our direction. We thought it was weird, but didn't think much of it until all of the sudden he came down the stairs and asked us if he could shoot some pictures of us for NEWSWEEK! We said yes...and then he took some pictures and asked us some questions and got our information etc. I don't think we'll really be in there, but it was fun to be considered! Its because we looked so awesome. After waiting forever, we got inside and people were bored waiting for the show to start, so some guys started break dancing real 80's like.

I don't want to surprise you, but I've already told you about the best parts of the concert! We got in the doors at about 8, we waited probably 45 minutes for the opening band to come on. They were a local Utah band called "Love You Long Time". They were alright and we were only about 3 people away from the stage (it was general admission, so everyone could be on the floor). Well once they started playing people started trying to push their way to the front, and we were litterally being smashed to the point where we couldn't breathe. We withstood the hoards for awhile, but then we couldn't do it anymore and we just decided to go to the back. About an hour after the first band when offstage, that's right an hour, Vanilla Ice and his scary Halloween props finally decided to come out. He was way more than lame, and my roommate and I decided to just go up and sit in the chairs at the top of the arena. There was no use watching him. It was lame. He had this one dancer that was dressed like Santa with a clown mask. Not my cup o' tea.
This is me in my "costume"? I am not sure what to call it as it definately not something that I would consider an "outfit".
Please note the full get-up: Polka dot shoes, turqoise leg warmers, hot pink leggings, cut-off jean skirt, spackle painted sweatshirt with MC and 2 legit 2 quit, multi florescent colored bracelets, necklaces, earrings and scrunchies, crimped hair, mall bangs, and of course blue eye shadow, hot pink lip stick and lots of blush.:)
Here is a picture of my roommate and I. We went for different types of 80's looks, but we both rocked it!
e were in line for ever (and it was really cold)...we accidentally got there an hour early (my fault). So while we were standing in line we noticed this guy with a press pass was kind of taking pictures in our direction. We thought it was weird, but didn't think much of it until all of the sudden he came down the stairs and asked us if he could shoot some pictures of us for NEWSWEEK! We said yes...and then he took some pictures and asked us some questions and got our information etc. I don't think we'll really be in there, but it was fun to be considered! Its because we looked so awesome. After waiting forever, we got inside and people were bored waiting for the show to start, so some guys started break dancing real 80's like.
I don't want to surprise you, but I've already told you about the best parts of the concert! We got in the doors at about 8, we waited probably 45 minutes for the opening band to come on. They were a local Utah band called "Love You Long Time". They were alright and we were only about 3 people away from the stage (it was general admission, so everyone could be on the floor). Well once they started playing people started trying to push their way to the front, and we were litterally being smashed to the point where we couldn't breathe. We withstood the hoards for awhile, but then we couldn't do it anymore and we just decided to go to the back. About an hour after the first band when offstage, that's right an hour, Vanilla Ice and his scary Halloween props finally decided to come out. He was way more than lame, and my roommate and I decided to just go up and sit in the chairs at the top of the arena. There was no use watching him. It was lame. He had this one dancer that was dressed like Santa with a clown mask. Not my cup o' tea.
Here we are being so excited for Vanilla to finally start.

This is a picture that I took of the huge TV screen thing they had by the stage of Vanilla and his "band?" He is the one in the black in case you are a die hard fan who just wants to see him.

MC Hammer on the other hand was actually pretty good. He came and sang the goodies from yesteryear, but by the time he came on (11:30), we were so tired, that we only stayed for about 1/2 hour of his stuf. He had cool dancers and it was actually entertaining.

MC's Pray and just thank your lucky stars that Vanilla's video wouldn't download. Seriously- thank them.
This is a picture that I took of the huge TV screen thing they had by the stage of Vanilla and his "band?" He is the one in the black in case you are a die hard fan who just wants to see him.
MC Hammer on the other hand was actually pretty good. He came and sang the goodies from yesteryear, but by the time he came on (11:30), we were so tired, that we only stayed for about 1/2 hour of his stuf. He had cool dancers and it was actually entertaining.
MC's Pray and just thank your lucky stars that Vanilla's video wouldn't download. Seriously- thank them.
Fun times (or not!) - And hey, can I borrow that outfit. I think I could totally rock that action. :)
P.s....we got into NewsweeK! Pretty excited. I don't know if it is the online version, or the real magazine. I will let you know about that one tomorrow.
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