Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Dad thanks for writing. I keep waiting to see someone else's blogs besides my own on here. It was good to hear from you. It will probably be awhile before I blog again because we are moving tomorrow and who knows how long it will take to get the internet set up, boxes unpacked, etc. I am not looking forward to the next few days :( We close on Friday (THANK GOODNESS!!!) I am just ready to have this dumb process over with and just start making our mortgage payments instead of "talking" about it over and over again with the mortgage company! UGH!!
Anyway, I love you all and will resume blog activity again sometime in the (hopefully near) future! Love, Melyssa

Monday, March 26, 2007

Alive and Creeping along

Hey guys. Just a note to let you know that the old man is still around. Lyss and Tobey the place looks Great, And what can I say about the Grands, Cutest in the world. Let me know a couple of weeks ahead of time when you want me to come down. What are all of you doing Easter? I have no plans yet except church. Maybe go to Grandma H's Thres, do I have to warn you about staying away from Elvis??? Not a real good influence. I'm telling you he will cause nothing but trouble. Oh well. Kyle are you there?? I'd call you but you know how crappy I am bout calling, How did the week with the little lady go? Hope you had fun.. And Michelle, H-E-L-L-O Michelle, Must not be listening, Oh well.. Any ways was going to go
wheeling this weekend but it got all rainy and nasty so maybe next. Not any news other than that for me, I Love and Miss all of you and will talk to you later DAD

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

New Pictures

Hello everyone- I just wanted to write you a quick update with how things are going here. We are busy busy busy with all the things going on. Right now we are in semi-packing mode. It is annoying because we can't fully pack because we need a lot of our things still, but we want to get as much ready as we can before we have to move next week :) We have decided to get as much of the basement finished as we can before moving in so we are having the drywall put up and textured this week, and hopefully next week before we move in they will be installing carpet. We hope to paint as much as we can before they put the carpet in so that is just one more thing to try and get done. Poor Tobey is frantically trying to get all of this projects and school done while working and still supervising things at the house. He is going to collapse when this is all over! I am plugging away at my two classes and trying to take care of the girls and pack. It is crazy. The girls are doing well. We are all getting over a cold and poor Kennedy (and us) were up all last night because she has an ear infection so she couldn't sleep. Thank you for updating Thresa, I sometimes feel like I am the only one that writes on this blog! I love you all!!! I'll keep you posted on everything. Love,

Sunday, March 18, 2007

alive AND kickin

just in case y'all thought I fell off the face of the earth...THINK AGAIN! Suckers! Here are a few things my life has been about the past few months since I just now downloaded all of my pictures since Christmas...

1st- Elvis, this is the Elvis, This is the Elvis that sweat on the scarf, This is the Elvis that sweat on the scarf as he winked at me, This is the Elvis that sweat on the scarf as he winked at me and decided that I needed the scarf. THis is the me with the scarf that I caught which was
saturated with sweat because of the Elvis. TAH DAH! It was a fabulous night.

2nd. Here is my birthday dinner at Olive garden...the waitress was a snob...but the dinner was good. Happy Birthday to me.

3rd- My kids participated in a pep rally to get ready for testing, and they were the "Holthaus' Heroes" --It was so cute, we dressed like superheroes...They were adorable for the first time ever. I loved it, we had a cheer, and the kids got all pumped up. Here are pictures of me, my kids and our banner. ...

Monday, March 12, 2007

Home Update

Here are some pictures of the progress from last week. Our cabinets are in, painting is almost finished, the tile floors are finished, and the hardwood floors are started. The pluming fixtures, carpet, and hopefully the rest of the hardwood floors go in this week!!! It is crazy that the inside is almost finished. Now we just have to get the exterior finished and we can move in :) Melyssa