Sunday, March 30, 2008

Color Festival!!!!!!!!!!

Out in the little town where I work, there is this Indian religious temple. Every spring, they have a festival to celebrate the incoming of the season. There is music and dancing and a bonfire. At sunset, everyone has these bags of ground up colored chalk and they throw it around to ring in the spring! Then everyone just dances around and hangs out. It was so much fun! I think I will go every year forever. Thought you guys would like to see the pics. :) Love y'all

Friday, March 7, 2008

Wisdom teeth

Yesterday I got my wisdom teeth removed. They were the hardest type of wisdom teeth to extract and so they were going to put me under to do the procedure. However, since there is even the smallest possiblity that I might be pregnant they wouldn't iv sedate me. So they gave me the choice of rescheduling or just doing it. As you can see I did it and it was horrible. I am really swollen (these pics don't do it justice) my cheeks are so swollen on the inside that I can't chew w/o biting them. I am really blessed though because they thought for sure that there would be at least some temp. nerve damage and I don't have any at all. So that is the great news. Just thought you all would get a kick out of these. Love ya, Meesh

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hodgepodge of my last two weeks.

Okay guys, Here are the last few weeks of my life. The first pics are of my birthday, the second group are of my Alaska reunion party that could have been so awesome, and finally, there are 2 pics of my new haircut. :) Enjoy!